

clue, conception, hint, idea, indication, inkling, intimation, musing, notion, suggestion, suspicion, whisper ...  

ALL CONTENT copyright MICHELLE GREYSEN and may not be used/linked to without full permission.

copyright 2014. All Rights Reserved.



My name is MICHELLE GREYSEN. I am a professional freelance writer, author, poet & blogger. Welcome to my writing.

I have a past corporate background in the print industry both editorial and publishing followed with solid success as a professional freelance writer in both magazine and corporate copywriting. I have a self-published poetry chapbook, enjoy blogging and am now pursing my personal writing passions. I am currently in the final draft of a fiction novel, fine tuning a creative non-fiction book project and developing a short story series with three of those stories published and nominated for awards.
I always have many exciting writing projects on the go. 

With many features and cover bylines I have written on a variety of topics including profiles, business, biography, history, reviews, antiques and collecting, lifestyle, humour, travel, op-eds and more.

Michelle Greysen is an edgy articulate professional freelance writer whose work can be read in a variety of publications.

Michelle Greysen writes often, sometimes daily and is aspiring to write always, tackling the many projects piled around her desk.

Michelle Greysen is a passionate blogger on many topics outside of writing including lifestyle, antiques  and even real estate.

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